Following a successful career as a dancer in Orissa, India, Jyoti Rout came to the United States in 1993 and founded Jyoti Kala Mandir. Today JKM is a thriving community of families, dancers and second generation teachers. Many of her students have completed a Ranga Puja and are establishing careers as soloists. Jyoti Rout is still actively performing throughout the United States, India and internationally. She is a brilliant dancer, teacher and choreographer.
Jyoti Rout's teaching is based on devotion, service and surrender. She is deeply committed to passing on the torch of Odissi dance. In Odissi classes, students learn exercises, body positions, stepping technique, and dance item stories, music and choreography. Jyoti Rout believes that while technical proficiency is important, deep surrender is most important so that the divine can truly shine through a dancer.
Jyoti Rout has choreographed more than 60 original items. Please refer to "choreography" for a complete list.
Please click below for a glimpse of Guru Jyoti Rout's choreography.
Jyoti Rout - JKM YouTube Chanel