
JKM Dance Training Camps area unique opportunity to spend a full weekend immersed in dance, under the guidance of Guru Jyoti Rout. One Odissi dance item is taught from start to finish. The emphasis is on learning the choreography, the music, and the meaning of the song/story. Most of the day is spent dancing and studying. Nutritious home-made meals and snacks are provided during break times. Summer Training is designed for intermediate level Odissi dancers.
With Guru Jyoti Rout July 21 - 23, 2023
- Basics of choreography - Understanding Characters, Story, Music, and Rhythm - Cultivating Mindfulness to improve awareness for a deeper connection with the movements and with self.
Registration for Summer Intensive 2023 is NOW Open! Last date - July 10th by 6 pm
With Guru Jyoti Rou July 25 - 28
basics of Odishi Grammer. Understanding Music and Rhythm. Cultivating passion and motivation by learning a new dance item.
Kids have fun with Food, games, movies, singing, and telling stories. Registration for Summer Intensive 2023 is NOW Open! Last date - July 10th by 6 pm
This week-long dancing intensive gives the students a deeper knowledge and connection with the movements and choreography, enhances their stamina, and improves their grammer. Spending every day in a dance environment enhances the experience of spirituality and appreciation for the art and culture. This quality time in the company of the Guru deepens the teacher-student relationship and offers a flavor of the traditional Gurukula system from India.
Each day drinks, snacks and lunch or dinner will be provided.
( length of time can be modified according to your availability)
Be inspired with ..
* Living in a peaceful clean serine home/school in Bhubaneshwar * Delicious, healthy, authentic fresh home cooked Indian food * Learn the beautiful movement and mastery of oldest dance form * Practice and be strong, confident, and sure * Immerse yourself with the culture and people, evening performances, and seminars. * Experience the richness of human life with field trips to ancient temples, beaches, nature and historical places (Travel, admission fees and meals all in one package)
DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS LIFE TRANSFORMATIVE OPPORTUNITY WITH Guru Jyoti Rout at Jyoti Kala Mandir ODISHA, INDIA (Taals with Guru Satchidananda Das , Vocals with Guru Dhiraj Mahapatra)
$1000 per month ($300 per week)
A very remarkable experience I look forward to re living again next year!!! It is a great place for Odissi students looking to gain a spiritual and cultural connection to the dance, for both beginners (like myself) and advance students alike. The teacher was very patient in supervising my progress and formed new friendships with great people both local and internationally. As for the exemplary cuisine served in generous portions, I didn’t go hungry in between training sessions and was well looked after both in and outside the school campus, which demonstrated the organisers keen attention to the safety and well being of her students. This was a great family atmosphere, which made me feel as foreigner it was a home away from home while being there to learn the dance. I will most definitely recommend this programme and will do so when I return to my homeschool in Germany.
-- Claire
Reflections on Odissi Dance Training 23 December 2012 - 31 January 2013
After a several year gap in my Odissi training, I reentered JKM’s dance space and community for 5 weeks in Bhubaneswar. My scholarship post-graduation took me halfway across the world from my California home to Southeast Asia—and this past winter, my timing and purpose beautifully aligned to allow for an immersion into the world of Odissi with my lovely guru from childhood, Jyoti Apa. Reflecting on my last year abroad, I cannot imagine a better way to culminate my international experience than to embrace dance so fully and completely, reevaluating all stresses and prioritizing the present (something we students may find difficult—so focused are we on the future). Training was exhausting. But that was my intention—never before had I dedicated my mind and body 100% to something entirely physical, like dance, for an extended period of time. Exposure to the new has been the trend of my past year, and one that I hope to continue as I move forwards in life and career. JKM’s Odissi training proved to continue this progression of new discovery: there is always something to surprise you, whether it be the complexities of India or the ingenious reverse 5-stepping interlaced with a 4-count taal. This training is truly universal, and a student of any level (beginner to advanced) would be able to access and connect with dance through Jyoti Apa’s methods. On a personal level, I perceived tremendous strengthening, both physical and mental. Meditating and dancing everyday set my routine. After an initial resistance, I ultimately abandoned personal pursuits that were interfering with this tunnel-vision and turned my full attention towards spiritual and physical growth. My academic and professional life trained me to constantly work—and to feel guilty when I am not doing work. But it is not very often that we are given the golden opportunity to work on ourselves, recognizing in full the simplicity of this act. Jyoti Apa has worked incredibly hard to make this experience possible for dancers around the world, and I was thrilled to meet so many new people: professional dancers, professional musicians, JKM India students, international students, Lingipur locals. We ate delicious meals, reveled in joyful company every day, and experienced the local sites and excitements together. I feel blessed to be a part of this community, and so fortunate to have experienced something so unique alongside our prominent guru. It is difficult to find time to escape to India for a month—but life and work continue to be unpredictable, and you never know how next year will turn out! It is worth the effort to engage in such a remarkable experience. I was greatly influenced by my time in Bhubaneswar, and I look forward to continuing my learning when I return to California. Now, if I could only bring back some chhena porra, my life (and the lives of everyone around me, I think) would be complete!
--Katia Chaterji
| My experience in Odissi International Dance Festival December 2015
Doetri, come here!” my mom called excitedly. I had no idea why she was urging me to come quickly. “Jyoti Apa has said that you dance in the Odissi International Dance Festival,” my dad blurted. Wow, I thought. I was going to dance with people from all over the world. We talked about Jyoti Apa’s request for a while. I did not know what to say, yes or no. Then I finally answered, “Yes, I want to dance in the festival.”
Jyoti Apa supportively taught me a new dance called Ananda Bharavi Pallavi. I went to her studio in Fremont, California for special classes for many months.
Finally, the day came when we went to India. When we got to Bhubaneshwar, I could not wait to go to Jyoti Apa’s house where the dance school is. “Welcome,” my dance teacher said. There everyone treated us incredibly nice. Jyoti Apa’s sisters gave us yummy food and treated us warmly. Everyone over there was having a wonderful time.
The studio was near grassy fields and had a peaceful surrounding. Inside there was a huge portrait of Jyoti Apa dancing. I thought, so this is where we will practice. In the afternoon, I got to see all the students of JKM. They were beautiful and looked so happy. The musicians, who I knew from before, came and settled down with their instruments. I was happy to see their smiling faces. The room was full of people.
Jyoti Apa came down from her room in an elegant dress. She looked radiant and beautiful. Then she danced with each of us with great energy and joy. She adjusted our stepping, our movements and made suggestions to bring out the best in us. I was in awe to see Jyoti Apa in such greatness.
Finally, it was the day of the performance. My grandparents had bought me new jewelry to wear. The silver jewelry had designs and patterns on them. They shined a lot in the light. They were beautiful and I was thankful to them. After I put on the jewelry I thought, would I be able to dance as elegantly as the jewelry looked? I was nervous and excited at the same time. Nervous because many people were going to see me dance, and I was excited because it was my first time dancing in India.
When I went inside the auditorium, I stopped dead at my tracks. ”Wow!” I thought to myself, there are hundreds of people here. I saw Jyoti Apa and went to her. ”You’ll do fine,” she said as I peeked through the curtains. I kept telling myself, you could do it. Just then, the musicians went on stage. All of them were dressed in traditional Indian clothing. I was getting tensed and my hands started to sweat. The butterflies in my stomach started to e wiggle lot. I went on stage, took a deep breath, and started to dance.
While I was dancing, I could feel the confidence build. I noticed that my nervousness melt away. It occurred to me that I remembered all of the dance steps. This was because I learned the dance from a very supportive dance teacher, Jyoti Apa.
After the dance, I told myself, I did it. I got many ‘good jobs’ and ‘congrats’ from many in the audience. I still could not believe that I did it. I felt happy and sad at the same time. The days in the dance classes in Bhubaneshwar had ended. This was a great experience and something I will never forget. I would come back and dance again here. I could not have done this without Jyoti Apa’s help.
- Doetri Ghosh
6 am - New beginning. (Wake up) 7 am - Inquiring self. (Meditation, chanting, spiritual discussions) Satsang 8 am - Inhaling life (Tea, light breakfast) 8.30 am - Foundation (learning basic steps and grammar) 10.30 am - Testing the tests (Lavish Indian breakfast) 11.30 am - Express yourself (learn to dance one full story or song,with meaning during the retreat) 1.30 pm - Nourish yourself (gourmet lunch) REST AND RELAX 3 PM - SPICED UP (tea Time) 3.30pm - Romance with melody, sway with Taal (study the song and Rythm of dance item you are learning.) 4.30pm - Moving with story (dancing the item you are learning) 6.30pm - Refresh and connect (discussion with teachers, self practice, going for dance performances and festivals) 8.30pm - Enjoyment (dine with existing exotic Indian dishes) dishes and divine company of musicians and co-dancers) 10pm - Reflection (lights off)
We will be taking some days off our regular practice schedule for field trips to temples and Odissi Dance festivals.
It's time for 'YOU' to take time for 'YOURSELF'. This kind of blessing doesn't come everyday
Act now to secure your space (limited seats, for better quality) Apply for admission: jrout1@gmail.com (1510-589 - 3989)
With your full information - name, full address, occupation, education, reason of interest, your background in dance and music. (beginners are welcome)
We hope to bring smile to your days. Happy dancing ** Love and peace
Click here to view our 2013 training photo album Click here to view our 2013 retreat flyer
| All trainings and intensives are open to everyone, beginner to advance
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